A Young Leaders’ Badge and woggle should be awarded after completing Module A. This badge signifies that a Young Leader has completed their basic training.
A mission strip should be presented after completing each mission, these are placed around the module A badge
A Young Leader belt buckle should be awarded on completion of the entire scheme (completion of ALL training modules and missions).
The Young Leader Service Award can be worn on the adult uniform to recognise a person’s completion of the Young Leaders’ Scheme.
The Young Leader certificate should be presented when the Young Leader either turns 18 or completes the whole scheme. The back of the certificate can be used to record which modules and missions the Young Leader has completed.
Core resources to support the scheme
Preparing to Lead: Delivering the Young Leaders’ Scheme
This is the handbook for every adult volunteer delivering the Young Leaders’ Scheme. A self contained guide to delivering the training, it provides a full breakdown of all modules and practical activities for bringing the learning to life.
120 page step by step guide to delivering the scheme
Contains trainer notes and practical tips
Appendices with additional information including the Fundamentals of Scouting and leadership styles
Young Leader Logbook - Onwards and Upwards
The complete guide to being a Young Leader, this logbook for young people explains what to expect during training and in the role itself. As well as tips from other Young Leaders, it outlines the opportunities, skills and rewards for taking part in the scheme.
Pocket size
28 pages full colour
Everything in one place